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20/08 - 10/09

SCO full orchestra_with Mr Quek_revised_2.tiff



1.喧峰鸣音 之 《澳门随想》 Macau Capriccio Cheng San Chinese Orchestra_Group Photo.jpg

喧峰鸣音 之
Macau Capriccio

Cheng San Chinese Orchestra

20.8.2023, 5pm

SCO Concert Hall

4. 本土情怀 Sentiments_吉丰华乐团Keat Hong Chinese Orchestra_Group Photo.jpg

本土情怀 Sentiments

Keat Hong Chinese Orchestra

26.8.2023, 3pm

SCO Concert Hall

7. “南风杯”古琴国际大赛颁奖典礼暨古琴名家音乐会 - 古琴协会_独奏家Soloist_马杰Ma Jie.jpeg


Guqin Association of Singapore

28.8.2023, 7.30pm

SCO Concert Hall

10. 阮的新声; 座谈暨音乐会 Ruan Reimagined; A Seminar-Concert_新加坡阮咸学会_Photo Collage_Musicians.JPG

阮的新声:座谈暨音乐会 Ruan Reimagined: A Seminar-Concert

Ruanxian Association of Singapore

31.8.2023, 7.30pm

Esplanade Recital Studio



Singapore Yangqin Society

3.9.2023, 7.30pm

China Cultural Center Theatre

16. 《长安古韵》之王慧教成果音乐会__Silk Road_ Ruan Group Ensemble 西安音乐学院“丝路”阮族组合_Group Photo.jpg


Ruanxian Association of Singapore

8.9.2023, 7.30pm


2.《QI气》摩尔斯打�击乐团Morse Percussion_Group Photo.JPG


Morse Percussion

22.8.2023, 7.30pm

China Cultural Center Theatre

5. 《与乐共舞》Melody of Dance_万达兰扬琴室内乐团_Group Photo-WEB.png

《与乐共舞》Melody of Dance

Nanyang Hakka Federation Chinese Orchestra,Vanda YQ Chamber,SOTA Chinese Ensemble

26.8.2023, 7.30pm

SCCC Auditorium

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《拨动心弦》Stirring of the Heartstrings

NAFA Chinese Chamber Ensemble

29.8.2023, 7.30pm

SCO Concert Hall

11. 《乡情雅韵;湘灵与南华》 Tapestry of Traditions; Siong Leng & Nam Hwa_《潮乐专场》南华潮剧社_Group Photo.jpg

《乡情雅韵:湘灵与南华》 Tapestry of Traditions: Siong Leng & Nam Hwa

Siong Leng Musical Association, Nam Hwa Opera Society 

1.9.2023, 7.30pm

SCCC Auditorium

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SCMF Youth Chapter

3.9.2023, 7.30pm

SCO Concert Hall

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《畅游》Harmonic Adventures

Malaysia Ruan Ensemble/ Ruanxian Association of Singapore

9.9.2023, 7.30pm



"水乡弦声" —— 江南二胡艺术专场音乐会(新加坡)"The Sound of Water Country Strings" – Jiangnan Erhu Art Concert (Singapore)

Singapore Chinese Music Federation

24.8.2023, 7.30pm

China Cultural Center Theatre

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Heartstrings - SCMF 10th Anniversary & Opening Gala

Singapore Chinese Orchestra

27.8.2023, 5pm

Esplanade Concert Hall

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《吹打和鸣庆丰年》Celebration of Winds and Percussion

Suona and Guan Society (Singapore), Singapore Sheng Association, Dizi Society Singapore, Percussion Association of Singapore
Dicapella Dizi Ensemble

30.8.2023, 7.30pm

SCO Concert Hall

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Bukit Batok Chinese Orchestra

2.9.2023, 7.30pm

NAFA Lee Foundation Theatre

15.《节奏之旅Rhythm Voyage》新菲联合华乐团_侨中学院民乐团_Group Photo.png

《节奏之旅 Rhythm Voyage》

Philippine Cultural College Chinese Orchestra, The CO Peeps

6.9.2023, 7.30pm

China Cultural Center Theatre

18. Closing Gala; Elegance 新加坡华乐节闭幕音乐会《华乐风采》_鼎艺团Ding Yi Music Company_Group Photo.jpg

Closing Gala: Elegance 新加坡华乐节闭幕音乐会 《华乐风采》

Singapore Chinese Music Federation, Ding Yi Music Company

10.9.2023, 5pm

SCO Concert Hall

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